On February 2nd A Queen was born Aquarius Pisces birthday T Shirt - Teeclover
On February 2nd A Queen was born Aquarius Pisces birthday T Shirt
Sure, why not? Now the Secret Service and the White House Police might have an differing opinion about your “right” to do that On February 2nd A Queen was born Aquarius Pisces birthday T Shirt as it will most assuredly be against some law OR at least some RULE about what you can take on such a tour. I would imagine you might find it difficult to even get onto the White House grounds much less take a tour. It might also behoove you to remember that just because you have the freedom of speech does not make it acceptable to shout “FIRE” in a crowded auditorium and that the resulting panic, injuries or deaths could be used against you in a court of law. But why have to go all the way to D.C. to test out your theory. Try this first. Take your “assault rifle”, though I doubt you actually possess such a weapon using the military definition, and carry it into a Federal Court House, or a Post Office, or a State owned building such as the Sheriff’s Office, and see what happens. When you regain access to the Internet let us know how the experiment went and, of course, your sentencing date.

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