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James Harden Beard Silhouette Philadelphia 76ers Sixers Shirt

Young children can certainly learn letters and numbers, but to sit kids down and ‘teach’ them is the wrong way to do it. They learn best through doing the kinds of activities they find interesting — storytime, talking to their teachers about stars, playing with blocks. To help kids learn language and James Harden Beard Silhouette Philadelphia 76ers Sixers Shirt strengthen pre-reading skills, for instance, teachers might play rhyming games and let kids tell stories. Keep in mind that for small children, school is all about having fun and acquiring social skills — not achieving academic milestones. Kids need to be imaginative and to socialize — that’s what fosters creative, well-rounded people. It’s not whether they can read by age 4 or multiply by 5. An ideal curriculum? Parading around in dress-up clothes, building forts, and being read to.

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