Retro Speculum Reindeer Christmas Shirt
Retro Speculum Reindeer Christmas Shirt
Western society does not share that attitude as a Retro Speculum Reindeer Christmas Shirt rule, although there are people who do feel that way. The predominant viewpoint in western societies these days is that people should have kids if they want them, not because there is some “social demand” that they have them. While it is true that some families try to “encourage” their young adult couples to have kids…that is predominantly because the older generation would like to have grandkids to spoil. In this day and age, there really is no social stigma towards young couples who don’t have kids. If anything, they are considered to be rather smart…at least if they use the excuse that they’re waiting to be more settled financially and are better able to have the time available to devote to their newborns.

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You can wear whatever you want, but remember: This is the office party. This is a Metallica We Don’t Give A Shit Philadelphia Flyers T Shirt of people with whom you work, so if you wouldn’t wear a revealing dress to work, don’t wear it to the office party. Also, don’t drink much you presumably know your limit, so stop well short of it. Because again—you work with these people. When I worked at TV Guide, senior staff regularly attended the Christmas parties, which (at least at the beginning) were lavish, usually held in off-site venues and allowed employees to bring spouses. You don’t want your boss’s boss asking who that was—the girl in the thigh-high bandage dress and hooker heels or the guy who threw up on the white-glitter sparkle Christmas tree. Women get the brunt of the judgmental post-party gossip about attire while men generally have to do something memorably bad, but I imagine a male manager showing up in gold lame hot pants would cause a stir in most business environments.
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